its a weird time.

it's a weird time.
I sit on my bed
by the window

and text my friends
about science class
and I sit by my window
and watch gilmore girls
rory kissed the boy in the grocery store
I don't even go to the grocery store anymore.
I sit on my bed
by the window
and watch the grass
that keeps on growing
even though
it seems as if the world has stopped
the wind keeps on blowing
my dog comes up to my bed
by the window
and licks my legs
I lift him up onto my bed
he doesn't seem to understand
he doesn't seem to understand that the world has stopped
he doesn't seem to notice how much time I spend
on my bed
by the window.
class is now in the form of video calls
expect for biking,
I don't leave the house.
everything is weird
but when I sit on my bed
by the window
everything seems to be the same
people walk by my house with coffee cups and umbrellas and bikes
but the news says nothing is the same
the restaurants are closed
but we keep on eating
school is closed
but we keep on learning
 everything is weird.
when I sit on my bed
by the window
everything is calm
people might be dying

but when I sit on my bed
by the window
everything is calm.

I write descriptive poetry for the imaginative and include original photos. I hope you enjoyed my writing! Post a comment if you have any ideas or questions!  For recipes and culinary writing, visit Cooking Under Quarantine, my cooking blog. 
